This program, comMIDI (pronounced like comedy) allows two-way MIDI connection through a modem using a Macintosh computer. Some applications for this program are to allow remote rehearsals, collaborations, jamming or performances. How about an organist calling in from home to do a performance. You will probably need another phone to hear what's going on. You can also hook up to your cellular telephone to get (expensive) wireless MIDI.
A Hayes compatible high-speed modem with data compression and error correction is recommended. (They have dropped in price a lot. I got a 14.4K modem for $99). Lower speed modems are permitted, but there are noticeable delays.
The default setup puts the modem to the Printer port and the MIDI interface to the Modem port. You can change this in the SetUp menu under the Communications Setting... menu item. This version of the program does not save configurations.
Make sure Appletalk is OFF.
1. Both users must launch the comMIDI application and one of the users must set their modem to auto answer. This can be accomplished by typing ATS0=n <return> where n is the number of rings before the phone is answerd, or the user can select Auto Answer under the SetUp menu, or type <command>-A.
2. The other user must call that computer (with the auto answer on) by using the ATDT <phone number> command or by using the Phone menu. The Phone menu is created by reading a file called Phone Numbers. Each line in this file has two strings. The first is a name (single word), and the next is the phone number, which may be separated by dashes, but NOT spaces. For example,
TheName 123-555-1212
AnotherName 123-555-1234
3. Once the connection is made, (after the word CONNECT <speed> is displayed), you may type a message to the other user.
4. When both parties are ready, put comMIDI in the MIDI mode by selecting MIDI mode or <command>-M in the SetUp menu.
5. Start jamming !!!
6. To get out of MIDI mode, click the mouse button.
Other Stuff
This version of comMIDI uses the MIDIPASCAL MIDI drivers from Altech, and does not use MIDI Manager or OMS, therefore, it may not work on all computer configurations. If I get feedback that MIDI Manager is required, I will add it in later versions.
Let me know how you use this program. Have fun!
This program is Shareware. If you like and use comMIDI, please send $5 for each copy to:
Barry Kirsch
956 Paige Ct.
Langhorne, PA 19053.
I believe this is very reasonable price. Thanks for supporting the Shareware concept.